Car & Home Healthcare Oxygen Concentrator
Our Car & Home model most suit totraveller or those spending more time in the car. This model can be used in car with car adaptor and also use in home with AC connector.
This is a health grade oxygen concentrator produces 30%concentrated oxygen at 3 lit/minflowrate.
Model: Car & Home
车内使用 保健制氧机
氧流量: 3 升/分 氧浓度: 30%
~ Net weight: 3kg
~ Size: 23.5 x 12 x 29.5cm (LxWxH)
~ Voltage: 12V DC
~ Power consumption: 20W
1. Air Flow volume: 3L/min
2. Oxygen concentration: 30%
3. Noise: 45dB
4. Performance: Efficient oxygen supply.
5. Design: concise top panel for simplified operating procedure.
6. Carry: Portable and light.
7. Energy efficient.
8. Nano ear phone: oxygen suppy free from contamination.
9. Low noice: mute DC brushless motor andbiological oxygen generation.
10. Safety broad-spectrum: oxygen concentration satisfying varied demands.
11. Ergonomic design: harmonious airflow.
Professional Says...
“All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level.”
Arthur C. Guyton, M.D.
The Textbook on Medical Physiology
“Virtually all heart attacks come down to a failure to deliver oxygen to the hardworking heart muscle.”
Philip Stavish, M.D.
Oxygen Deficiency Linked to Increase in Disease
“Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous.”
Dr. Harry Goldblatt
Journal of Experimental Medicine
“Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease.”
Steven A. Levine, Ph.D. & Paris M. Kidd, Ph.D
Antioxidant Adaptation
“Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system.”
Steven A. Levine, Ph.D. & Paris M. Kidd, Ph.D
Antioxidant Adaptation
“It is the lack of oxygen in proper amounts in the system that prevents oxidation and oxygenation, which energizes the cell to biological regeneration. These processes are the foundation of life and dealth.”
Stephen R. Krauss
O 2xygen: Nature’s Most Important Dietary Supplement
“If the body is being starved of oxygen, then to avoid illness, the oxygen must be supplemented by nutritional supplements such as stabilized oxygen.”
John Muntz, D.O., Ph.D.
The Case for Stabilized Oxygen
Medical Grade Oxygen Generator
Model FY 5D having two outlets where two person can be used at the same time. It produces 93% concentrated oxygen at 5 lit/min flowrate.
Model: FY 5D
FY5D 型: 双人共享 医用制氧机
氧流量: 0~5 升/分 (可调整) 氧浓度: 90%
氧是人体获得生命能源的关键物质。一般认为 , 只有病人才需要吸氧 , 其实这是一种误解。随着社会环境污染日益加剧 , 现代人生活节奏加快 , 脑力和体力消耗增大 , 正常呼吸难以满足人体对氧气的需要。如果我们长久在密闭的办公室工作 , 或在空间狭小的房屋内聚集 , 就会感到头晕、胸闷、周身不适,这就意味着缺氧。
吸氧可改善人体的生理,促进代谢过程的良性循环 , 促进康复和增进健康。对中老年和有健康问题者 ,纯氧有更大的帮助。
有了 Oxy Pro 制氧机 , 您可随心所欲制造纯氧 !
Oxy Pro 采用鼻塞法置于前鼻孔吸氧, 舒适, 轻便, 也不影响说话和进食。
~ Net weight: 30kg
~ Gross weight: 34kg
~ Packing size: 50 x 45 x 77cm (LxWxH)
~ Power: AC220V/110V, 50/60Hz
~ Power rating: 450W
1. Flowrate: 0 to 5 L/min (adjustable).
2. Two flow outlets and two humidifier.
3. Purity: about 93%
4. Outlet pressure: 0.04 to 0.06 Mpa.
5. Sound level: 50dB
6. Power: 450W
7. Timer (to record the total accumulated time of the unit operated)
8. Alarm: power failure alarm, low & high pressure alarm.
9. The optional funciton: Nebulizer, Purity indicator.
Contact Details:
Shop Number: | 202 |
6012-4873133 | | | | |